How To Declare and Initialize Variables!

Variables are items that can be stored in the computer's Random Access Memory (RAM), from then on can be refered to and used. To effectively use a variable, it must be declared so that it is stored in the RAM. Then Initialized, to do this, it must be given a value. Below, are the different types of variables, aswell as how to declare and initialize them.

Boolean Variables (True/False): Are either true or false, they can be used for any question with only two answers. To declare and initialize enter the code below:

Declare: boolean blnVar;

Initialize: blnVar = true;

Integer Variables (..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...): Are very usefull for counting and keepig track of number within a program. If no decimals are involved, integer variables are the best option.

Declare: int32 intVar;

Initialize: intVar = -47;

Decimal Numbers (3.14, -0.12345, 1.e+34): When dealing with decimals or fractions, the most effectivie variable is the double precision floating-point number.

Declare: Double dblVar;

Initialize: dblVar = 301.235;

Words: To represent words, string variables are the most effective. Strings are any combination of letters, numbers or punctuation marks.

Declare: String strVar;

Initialize: strVar = "Hi";